Expert Seminar on the Copyright directive, Article 18

Experts' top advice on fair remuneration for screenwriters and directors: implementing Article 18 of the EU Copyright Directive
Missed the event? Watch the recording here.
7 June 2021 is the last day to implement the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market into national law, but few EU countries will meet the deadline.
SAA’s expert seminar on 2 June was aimed for national authorities and law-makers who are in the process of implementing the directive, to gain in-depth knowledge on how to best implement Article 18. The seminar presented the model of a right to remuneration and addressed Member States’ questions on its articulation with contractual freedom, the transfer of the exploitation rights to producers, the payment by users, collective management and the impact on the industry. The experts argued why fair and proportionate remuneration is a win-win solution for all.
Read the biographies here.
Moderator: Barbara Hayes, Chair of the SAA and Deputy Chief Executive of the Authors’ Licensing & Collecting Society, UK
- Ibán García del Blanco (S&D, Spain), Vice-Chair of the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament
- Fred Breinersdorfer, German screenwriter and director - video testimony
- Raquel Xalabarder, Copyright law specialist and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Intellectual Property Chair Professor
- Séverine Dusollier, Law Professor, Sciences Po Paris
- Dominik Skoczek, Managing Director at ZAPA, Poland