Expert Seminar on Extended Collective Licensing

Extended Collective Licensing: How can it help audiovisual authors?
Online Expert Seminar, 12 December
Watch the recording and read the takeaways from the event
The EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market has renewed the interest of both Member States and rightholders for collective licensing mechanisms with an extended effect by providing a framework provision (Art 12). We explored the potential use of these mechanisms to license audiovisual works and deliver remuneration to their authors. Experts from the Nordic countries discussed with interested parties, and the European Commission who also provided its perspective.
The seminar was moderated by Eleonora Rosati, Professor of IP law and Director of the Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM), Stockholm University
Read their biographies
- Jukka Liedes, Copyright expert, Finland
- Peter Schønning, Copyright lawyer, Denmark
- Emmanuelle du Chalard, Deputy Head of the Copyright Unit, European Commission
- Ingelin Skaret, Senior Legal Advisor of Norwaco, Norway
Authors' testimonies by SAA Patrons:
- Helen Blakeman, British screenwriter & playwrighter
- Peter Payer, Austrian director & screenwriter