Audiovisual authors’ rights in Europe and Latin America

Audiovisual authors’ rights in Europe and Latin America, an online event with testimonies from audiovisual authors in Brazil, Chile, Poland, and Slovenia, and with experts from the Latin American Audiovisual Authors Societies Federation, SAA, and the International Confederation of Societies Authors and Composers.
Online event on 1 March 2023
Europe and Latin America are the two regions in the world where collective management practices are the most developed for screenwriters and directors. While thousands of miles apart, these regions have regulatory systems for audiovisual authors that are moving in the same direction: towards more statutory remuneration rights securing a fair remuneration.
Audiovisual authors’ organisations working at regional and global level are active in promoting authors’ rights and remuneration and developing the collective management of their rights. However, there is a long way to go: audiovisual collections only represent 6% of the total collections of CISAC members in 2021.
- Daniella Castagno (ATN, Chile)
- Henrique de Freitas Lima (DBCA, Brazil)
- Urša Menart (AIPA, Slovenia)
- Aleksander Pietrzak (ZAPA, Poland)
- Cristina Perpiña-Robert Navarro, CISAC
- Dr German Gutierrez, FESAAL
- Frédéric Young, SAA
Moderator: Janine Lorente, expert on audiovisual authors’ rights