Rendez-vous with European cinema: Spanish Presidency Screening "Championext"

Exclusive screening in Brussels of "Championext" (“Campeonex”), the anticipated follow-up to Javier Fesser ‘s Spanish comedy triumph “Champions” (“Campeones”).
24 October 2023, Cinema Palace (by invitation only)
Exclusive screening in Brussels of "Championext" (“Campeonex”), the anticipated follow-up to Javier Fesser ‘s Spanish comedy triumph “Champions” (“Campeones”). It is the new adventure of the emblematic protagonists of the first instalment, with the addition of new stars that will give a lot to talk about. The champions' team abandons basketball and enters, by mistake and through the fault of a novice coach, the fascinating world of athletics.
The event is organised by EFAD (European association of national Film and Audiovisual Agencies), in partnership with the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council, the Spanish Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA) as well as European associations in the culture and audiovisual sector.
Rendez-vous with European cinema is a recurrent event aiming at promoting the diversity and beauty of European Cinema.