
Rendez-vous with European cinema: Screening “La Ferme des Bertrand”

Exclusive screening in Brussels of “La Ferme des Bertrand” by Gilles Perret.

27 June 2024, Cinema Galerie (by invitation only)

Exclusive screening in Brussels of “La Ferme des Bertrand” by Gilles Perret, a moving documentary that follows 50 years in the life of a farm in the French Alps. It was preceded by a short film “Plat de Resistance” by Marie Royer and Zinia Scorier. Based on audio recordings and poetic drawings, the animated film portrays activists who use food as a tool in their anti-consumerist struggle.

The event was organised by EFAD (European association of national Film and Audiovisual Agencies) and Europa International within the frame of the Brussels International Film Festival, as well as European associations in the culture and audiovisual sector.

The Rendez-vous with European Cinema is a recurring event aimed at promoting the diversity and beauty of European cinema.