Conferences & events
Side event: Beyond the Credits: Strengthening Audiovisual Authors’ Rights
“Beyond the Credits: Strengthening Audiovisual Authors’ Rights” – a side-event organised by CISAC, FESAAL and SAA at the 46th session of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR).
Dinner with MEPs and European filmmakers
On the occasion of the announcement of the five films nominated for the LUX Audience Award 2025, the SAA, in partnership with the Federation of European Film Directors (FERA) and the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE), invited MEPs, authors and our members, to meet and dine together in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
Expert seminar on Artificial Intelligence
Expert Seminar about audiovisual authors’ rights and Artificial Intelligence (online)
Regional Seminar on Audiovisual Authors' Rights in Central and Eastern Europe
On 26-27 October, the SAA together with two of its members, AIPA in Slovenia and ZAPA in Poland, welcomed participants from 10 countries in Belgrade, Serbia to a Regional Seminar on Audiovisual Authors' Rights in Central and Eastern Europe.
Lunch with MEPs and European filmmakers
In partnership with the Federation of European Film Directors (FERA) and the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE), the SAA invited Members of the European Parliament, the film teams of the LUX Audience Award finalists, colleagues and partners to a lunch hosted by Evelyn Regner, Vice-President of the European Parliament.
Audiovisual authors’ rights in Europe and Latin America
Audiovisual authors’ rights in Europe and Latin America, an online event with testimonies from audiovisual authors in Brazil, Chile, Poland, and Slovenia, and with experts from the Latin American Audiovisual Authors Societies Federation, SAA, and the International Confederation of Societies Authors and Composers.
Expert Seminar on Extended Collective Licensing
Extended Collective Licensing: How can it help audiovisual authors?
The 7th edition of “One Day in Strasbourg”
After almost three years ‘on-hold’, the SAA organised its 7th edition of our 'One Day in Strasbourg'.
Young creators have rights, right?
Young European filmmakers and Youtubers shared their experiences of working with online media and streaming platforms, in conversation with EU policymakers and experts about authors’ rights and remuneration.
Lights and action on authors' royalties
Lights and action on authors' royalties - an event with audiovisual creators and legal experts
Expert Seminar on the Copyright directive, Article 18
Experts' top advice on fair remuneration for screenwriters and directors: implementing Article 18 of the EU Copyright Directive
Creating a Living: Why a Right to Remuneration is the solution for audiovisual authors
On 20 May, the SAA partnered with the International Authors Forum and Writers & Directors Worldwide for a webinar about the right to remuneration.