Board of Patrons
SAA is supported by a Board of Patrons - film directors and screenwriters from across Europe that support the aims and objectives of the SAA.
Robert Alberdingk Thijm
Olatz Arroyo
Julie Bertuccelli
Reinhold Bilgeri
Helen Blakeman
Werner Boote
Monica Boracco
Fred Breinersdorfer
Špela Čadež
Borja Cobeaga
Isabel Coixet
Stijn Coninx
László Czető Bernát
The Dardenne Brothers
Gerhard Ertl
Emmanuelle Fournier-Lorentz
Marco Tullio Giordana
Jochen Greve
Antonio Hens
Jan Hřebejk
Agnès Jaoui
Cédric Klapisch
Katarzyna Klimkiewicz
Esmé Lammers
Lars Lundström
Urša Menart
Radu Mihaileanu
Barbara Miller
Katharina Mückstein
Jorge Paixão da Costa
Inés París
Peter Payer
Aleksander Pietrzak
Paul Powell
Diane Redmond
Jakub Režný
Stefan Ruzowitzky
Volker Schlöndorff
Marion Séclin
Paolo Sorrentino
Ivana Sujová
Danis Tanovic
Enrique Urbizu
Jaco Van Dormael
Sebastian Voinea
Susanna White
Virginia Yagüe
Romas Zabarauskas
Weina Zhao