Joint message: Uphold the mandate on Copyright in plenary vote to support creation in Europe

Call to honourable members of the European Parliament - Europe's cultural and creative sector ask for your support
Uphold the mandate on copyright in plenary vote to support creation in Europe
We represent 4,5% of EU GDP and 12 million European jobs. We are the heart and sould of Europe's plurality and rich identities. On July 5 we ask for you to back this mandate adopted by JURI on 20 June which is the result of long and intense negotiations. There is a cynical campaign from tech companies flooding the inboxes of MEPs with scaremongering that the copyright directive would be the end of the internet. Please note that this is the 20th anniversary of their first claim that copyright provisions would break the internet. This has never happened.
We need an internet that is fair and sustainable for all
Download below document for a complete list of all the signatories