21,000 petition signatories in support of Europe’s screenwriters and directors handed over to EU Commissioner Gabriel

On 23 October, Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, received a delegation handing over a petition signed by more than 21,000 supporters of Europe’s screenwriters and directors and their right to fair and proportionate remuneration.
The Federation of European Film Directors (FERA), the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE) and the Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA) launched the petition in early 2018 to bring attention to the needs of audiovisual authors in the proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. In September, they welcomed the adoption of the European Parliament’s position on the Copyright Directive, which provides a new Article establishing a principle of fair and proportionate remuneration for authors derived from the revenues generated by the exploitation of their works, including online (new Article -14).
The 21,000 authors and supporters from the EU and beyond (more than 100 countries) expect to be heard at this crucial moment when the EU institutions negotiate the final text of the Copyright Directive. The new Article -14 proposed by the European Parliament is an essential addition to the Directive which will improve the situation of audiovisual authors in terms of their remuneration; an urgent measure to take as figures demonstrate declining unstable and modest incomes while the industry and prospects for the on market are flourishing. The inclusion of this new Article would help the Directive deliver results for the whole value chain of the cultural and creative industries. The petition was handed over to Commissioner Gabriel ahead of the 2nd trilogue meeting between the European Commission, the Parliament and the Council (Member States) on 25 October.
“Commissioner Gabriel aspires to build a digital world that promotes cultural creativity by making European works available on digital platforms. Providing fair and proportionate remuneration to authors means that they would finally benefit from the success of their works when viewed online and ensure the creation of tomorrow. We are confident in the ability of the EU decision-makers to adopt a Copyright Directive that sets out this principle, which would be a real breakthrough for European authors. It is not only about economics; it is a question of dignity.” said Costa-Gavras, Jochen Greve and Jean-Luc Goossens.
“I’m signing, because I want to know who wrote and directed the films and TV shows I watch. I want authors to be recognized for their amazing work to create something new that will later be turned into entertainment for people. Without their creativity there would be no new content. Let’s celebrate them instead of ignoring them. Without them there are no movies to be made.” Petition signatory
Notes to Editors
FERA - Founded in 1980, the Federation of European Film Directors gathers 40 director’s associations as members from 30 countries. It speaks for more than 20,000 European film and TV directors, representing their cultural, creative and economic interests at national and EU level. FERA EU Transparency Register Id No. 29280842236-21. @Film_directors
Press: Pauline Durand- Vialle, pdv@filmdirectors.eu +32 491 52 49 04.
FSE - The Federation of Screenwriters in Europe is a network of national and regional associations, guilds and unions of writers for the screen in Europe, created in June 2001. It comprises 25 members from 20 countries, representing more than 7000 writers in Europe. @ScreenwritersEU
Press: David Kavanagh, info@scenaristes.org +353 86 837 1203.
SAA - The Society of Audiovisual Authors is the association of European collective management organisations representing audiovisual authors. Its 32 members in 24 countries manage rights for over 138,000 film, television and multimedia European screenwriters and directors. @saabrussels
Press: Annica Ryngbeck, a.ryngbeck@saa-authors.eu +32 475 66 95 94.