European authors and performers support the Cultural and Creative Industries’ Intergroup

Dear Members of the European Parliament,
Culture unites Europeans and celebrates our common identity and diversity. Authors and performers’ creativity and work contribute to the wealth and pride of European culture.
Together with your fellow MEP colleagues you have the opportunity to ensure that Europe retains its best talents and builds the next generation of creators.
We call on you to support the Cultural and Creative Industries’ intergroup which will be the indispensable forum for MEPs to elaborate long-term policy solutions and initiatives to support the European creators and the cultural and creative sectors.
As a group of European creators’ organisations, we have been advocating for a Parliament’s intergroup that would look at how different legal frameworks and industry practices impact creators’ economic, labour and moral rights and the quality of European production. As a EU decision-maker, it is your responsibility to ensure they can continue to create and, in doing so, bring lasting benefits to the whole society.
There are many issues to address: from European creators’ education, life-long training, working conditions, financial situation, career development, welfare systems supportive of discontinuous employment, new technologies, mobility, proper remuneration for both their work and the exploitation of their works, etc.
In the last few years, the European Parliament played a key role to strengthen creators’ rights – most notably in the context of the Copyright Directives. Such an Intergroup would enable the European Parliament to continue this work and best assess whether those Directives deliver the concrete benefits the European Parliament fought so hard to support.
Yours sincerely,
AEPO-ARTIS - Association of European Performers’ Organisations - Nicole Schulze, Director
CAE - Culture Action Europe - Tere Badia, Secretary General
ECSA - European Composer and Songwriter Alliance - Marc du Moulin, Secretary General
EVA- European Visual Artists - Carola Streul, Secretary General
EWC - European Writers Council - Myriam Diocaretz, Secretary General
FERA - Federation of European Film Directors - Pauline Durand-Vialle, Chief Executive
FIM - International Federation of Musicians - Benoit Machuel, General Secretary
FSE - Federation of Screenwriters in Europe - David Kavanagh, Executive Officer
IAO - International Artists Organisation - Nacho Garcia Vega, President
SAA - Society of Audiovisual Authors - Cécile Despringre, Executive Director
UNI MEI - Johannes Studinger, Head of UNI MEI