SAA response to the European Commission's consultation on the AVMS Directive

The European Commission carried out a targeted public consultation on the method of calculation of the share of European works and the exemptions for low audience and low turnover (Art. 13.7 Directive EU 2010/13). The SAA submitted its response on 18 March 2020.
As part of the rules on the promotion of European works set out in the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (‘the AVMSD’), the Commission is required to provide, after consulting the Contact Committee, guidelines regarding:
(a) the calculation of the share of European works in the catalogues of on-demand providers and
(b) the definition of ‘low audience’ and ‘low turnover’ for the purposes of exemptions to the obligations concerning the promotion of European works.
The Commission has consulted the Contact Committee on possible approaches on several occasions. It also organised a dedicated public hearing with stakeholders, to which Contact Committee representatives were invited. The consultation aims to complement the process by gathering stakeholders’ input on specific technical issues.
Download the SAA answer below.