Authors' letter to President Macron

"At a time when France has just begun its six-month presidency of the Council of the European Union, we, European screenwriters and directors, wish to share with you our expectations and hopes for the advancement of authors' rights, the promotion of the right to proportional remuneration for creators and its contribution to the dynamism of creation."
"...what we call the French model, which is based on the recognition of this right to proportional remuneration, by entrusting the authors' societies that represent us with the task of negotiating with broadcasters and digital platforms, is the best guarantee that a world of discounted copyright will not triumph in Europe, a world in which authors could be deprived of their rights and excluded from any future earnings on their works, without benefiting from the labour collective protections of the Americans."
"We are therefore counting on you to make the successful transposition of the Copyright Directive, and in particular Article 18 - which can make a real difference for European screenwriters and directors - one of your priorities for culture in Europe during the French Presidency of the EU Council."
The letter has been signed by almost 50 screenwriters and directors, include a majority of SAA's Patrons.
Download and read the full letter below, in French and English.