
(c) Maxime Faury

The Society of Audiovisual Authors (AISBL) is the umbrella association of European collective management organisations representing audiovisual authors. Its 33 members in 25 countries manage rights for over 174,000 film, television and multimedia European screenwriters and directors. 

We support audiovisual authors and promote cultural diversity through policies that enable the dissemination of audiovisual authors’ works to the audience. CMOs’ role is to give easy, legal access to those works and ensure authors are fairly paid to encourage further creativity for the benefit of society.

The SAA’s main objectives are to:

  • Support and strengthen the economic and moral rights of audiovisual authors (screenwriters and directors);
  • Secure fair and proportional remuneration for audiovisual authors for every use of their works;
  • Develop, promote and advance the collective management of rights by member organisations to provide a cost effective, transparent and efficient system to facilitate the dissemination of audiovisual works and the distribution of royalties to authors.