Marco Tullio Giordana

Marco Tullio Giordana is an Italian screenwriter and director. In 2000 at the Venice film festival Giordana presented I Cento Passi (The Hundred Steps), which took the prize for “best screenplay”. In 2003 the director's TV film La Meglio Gioventù (The Best of Youth), won the "Un certain regard" Award at Cannes. His film Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti (Once You're Born You Can No Longer Hide) was in competition at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival. In 2012, his film Romanzo di una Strage (Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy), about the tragic Piazza Fontana bombing that occurred on the 12 December 1969 in Milan, received 3 David di Donatello awards. Lea, his feature film based on a true story, was shot for Italian television. Tullio Giordana feature film, Due Soldati, was released in 2017 and presented at the Locarno Film Festival. In 2018, he released Nome di donna. His two latest works as director are the film about an Italian true crime case, Yara (2021), and the drama film La vita accanto (2024).