2013: Meeting with EU Commissioners

The European Commission is responsible for proposing legislation, it has therefore been a key priority for the SAA to meet the Commissioners in charge of culture and media policies, copyright and the internal market.
Together with its Patrons, the SAA has brought audiovisual authors’ agenda to the table of eight European Commissioners: Michel Barnier, Internal Market and Services (2010-2014), Neelie Kroes, Digital Agenda (2010-2014), Androulla Vassiliou, Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth (2010-2014), Karel De Gucht, Trade (2010-2014), Günter Oettinger, Economy and Society (2014-2017), Tibor Navrasciscs, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (2014-2919), Andrus Ansip, Digital Single Market (2014-2019) and Mariya Gabriel, Digital Economy and Society (2017-2019).