Implementing Article 18 for audiovisual authors

This page gathers useful resources and material for policy makers and professionals working with, and interested in, the national transposition of Article 18 on fair and proportionate remuneration.
The EU Copyright Directive is a historic opportunity for audiovisual authors that must be seized now. The implementation of the Directive is a unique chance to get national Copyright legislation right.
- SAA International brochure - Audiovisual authors and the collective management of their rights in Europe (2022)
- National case studies from European countries
- Presentation slides of the legal experts at the 2 June 2021 webinar
- SAA flyer – the 4 ingredients for fair and proportionate remuneration (2017)
- SAA video on audiovisual authors’ remuneration (2016)
- "Better late and effective than early and toothless", article, 9 May 2023, about the implementation by Evangelos Chatzoulis, Legal and Policy Officer at the SAA
- "Follow Belgium and implement authors’ rights!", blog post 11 June 2022, by Evangelos Chatzoulis, Legal and Policy Officer at the SAA
Academic work and legal studies
- "The Principle of Appropriate and Proportionate Remuneration of ART.18 Digital Single Market Directive: Some Thoughts for Its National Implementation” by Prof. Raquel Xalabarder, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Oct 2020)
- "European Copyright Society Comment on the Implementation of Articles 18-22 CDSM Directive", by Séverine Dusollier (June 2020)
- “Audiovisual authors’ right to equitable remuneration for the exploitation of their works”, international legal study by Prof. Raquel Xalabarder (May 2018) - available in English, Spanish and French
Online events
- 12 Dec 2022: Expert Seminar on Extended Collective Licensing
- 6 Oct 2021: Lights and action on authors' royalties - an event with audiovisual creators and legal experts. Co-organised with CISAC and Writers & Directors Worldwide.
- 2 Jun 2021: Experts seminar on implementing the EU Copyright directive, Article 18
- 20 May 2021: Creating a Living: Why a Right to Remuneration is the solution for audiovisual authors. Co-organised with the International Authors Forum and Writers & Directors Worldwide
- 17 Mar 2021: Collective Management: A Safety Net for Authors and Performers. Co-organised with AEPO-ARTIS and supported by the Parliament's Cultural Creators Friendship Group.
- 25 Nov 2020: The new Copyright legislation: Making the most for next generation authors
- CASE STUDY: Poland's audiovisual sector: fair remuneration and economic growth (May 2022) (pdf, 0.0 )
- CASE STUDY: Spain’s audiovisual sector: fair remuneration and economic growth (April 2021) (pdf, 0.0 )
- CASE STUDY: Italy’s audiovisual sector: fair remuneration and economic growth (Sep 2021) (pdf, 0.0 )