Olatz Arroyo

Olatz Arroyo is a graduate in Philosophy from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is one of the leading names in comedy in Spain. Among her work, she has written 'La familia perfecta' (2021), directed by Arantxa Echevarría. She also co-wrote the comedies 'El mejor verano de mi vida' (2018) and 'Hasta que la boda nos separe' (2020), both directed by Dani de la Orden. She is co-creator and executive producer of the Movistar+ series 'Supernormal' (2021-2023). She has been script coordinator for the comedy' Allí abajo' (Antena 3) and scriptwriter on the series 'Madres' (Amazon Prime), 'Gran Hotel' (Antena 3), 'Aída' (Telecinco) and 'Yo soy Bea' (Telecinco), among others. She wrote for the films La familia perfecta (2021), La vida padre (2022), and Políticamente incorrectos (2024).
Arroyo has also been a member of the Board of the Spanish collective management organisation DAMA (Derechos de Autor de Medios Audiovisuales).