Esmé Lammers

Esmé Lammers is a Dutch screenwriter andfilm director. She studied Mathematics and Physics for several years before attending the Dutch Film Academy. Her debut feature Lang Leve De Koningin (Long Live the Queen, 1995), was a critically acclaimed feature film. The film received Golden Calf Best Film and Cinekid Award Best Film in 1995, and Best Film Award at the Netherlands Film Festival in 1996. In 2002, she wrote and directed the feature film Tom & Thomas (2002). Lammers also directed several television series, such as Doris (2014), one of the biggest box-office successes of recent years in the Netherlands. Lammers worked between 2006 and 2010 as Intendant for Commercial Film at the Netherlands Film Fund where she developed an assessment tool for film subsidies.
As a board member of the Dutch Directors Guild, Vevam and Stichting Thuiskopie, she campaigned for a better copyright position for screenwriters and directors. Through the site, which she set up in 2015, Lammers informed filmmakers about the business side of filmmaking with the aim of strengthening their (financial and copyright) position and making them aware of their creative power and rights. She also curates the website “Ik weet wat recht is” (I know what is right), for which she developed short films with a legal focus.