Canal+ and EU Copyright – collective action necessary
Canal+, one of the most prominent investors in French cinema, has stopped paying the authors’ Collective Management Organisations the royalties due for films and TV series it broadcasts.
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Is the fear of double pay making MEPs scared of ‘fair’ remuneration?
Double payment is the most consistent fear presented in opposition to the unwaivable remuneration right that would ensure screenwriters and directors are paid when their works are watched online.
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European Parliament Culture committee shows the way on audiovisual authors’ remuneration
Just months after a Resolution on the cultural and creative industries called for the “establishment of the right to fair remuneration and legal protection for authors”, MEPs have given a concrete sign that they want to make that call a reality.
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Authors’ Remuneration - The last resort: going to court
There is an interesting court case underway concerning the remuneration of an author that is attracting interest on both sides of the Atlantic.
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Who are Europe’s audiovisual authors ?
Europe is in the process of changing legislation on authors’ rights / copyright in Europe.
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Audiovisual Authors’ Remuneration – from remuneration to transparency?
Ahead of the European Commission’s copyright announcements, SAA today publishes its infographic on audiovisual authors’ remuneration.
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Leaks, Copyright and Remuneration
The last 10 days have seen more light shined on the European Commission’s copyright plans following a series of leaks – an Impact Assessment, a draft Directive, a draft Communication.
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Look! a Netflix tax!
And while you were distracted by that, you didn’t notice all the extra TV advertising.
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Portability – A question of time
The first copyright proposal of the European Commission is a Regulation to enable temporary access to subscription services from your home country while travelling in Europe.
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Fair remuneration is not a tax
If there is one thing we know about Big Tech, they don’t like paying tax.
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The never-ending private copying saga
Previously, two Commissioners have had a stab at resolving the hoo ha around private copying levies and failed. This new Commission seemed to have recognised that this was one issue where entrenched, opposing industry positions and overly differing viewpoints between the Member States made progress an unlikely result for a Commission focused on being big on big things and small on small things.
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Platforms - Mutton dressed as lamb?
There’s something about online platforms that seems to be causing problems with the development of the online market.
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