Verwertungsgesellschaft der Filmschaffenden
VdFS holds in trust and collectively the copyrights and ancillary copyrights of the professional groups directing, cinematography, film editing, production design, costume design and acting.
- Distributes royalties, which result from secondary exploitation rights as well as legal remuneration and participation claims, to filmmakers, performing artists in the audiovisual field and their legal successors;
- Uses reciprocal agreements with numerous foreign affiliated companies to manage the rights and claims of its beneficiaries abroad:
- Advises more than 3200 members in legal matters, represents their interests in copyright and exploitation law and represents them on a national, European and international level;
- Dedicates part of its income to social and cultural institutions to support its members in social emergencies and in the field of education and training;
- Supports film festivals and film-related projects and contributes financially to the professional associations of filmmakers.
Social media:
Twitter: @VdFS_Filmrecht
Facebook: @VerwertungsgesellschaftderFilmschaffenden
Instagram: @vdfs_filmrecht
+43 (0) 1 504 76 20
Löwelstraße 14
1010 Wien