La Scam*

La Société civile des auteurs multimédia
LaScam comprises directors, authors of interviews and commentaries, writers, translators, journalists, video makers, photographers and illustrators. These creators form the documentary wealth of the audiovisual, radio and new media sectors. LaScam represents them in dealings with the lawmaker, producers and broadcasters. It negotiates their economic rights, collects and distributes their royalties, asserts their moral rights and defends their future interests.
As it represents several hundred thousand works by 49,000 authors in Belgium, France, Canada, Quebec and Switzerland, it gives each author great bargaining power. In addition, LaScam offers free legal advice, grants for creation aid, funding or training grants and much more other benefits for its members.
Social media:
Twitter: @webscam
Linkedin: Lascam
Instagram: Lascamfrance
+33 (1) 56 69 58 59
5 avenue Vélasquez
75008 Paris