Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori
SIAE was founded in 1882 by writers, musicians, playwrights and publishers. Its aims are, among other things, to educate the public about the legal and moral principles of the protection of intellectual creation. Every year, the SIAE issues more than 1.2 million licenses for the use of the works it protects and is represented in Italy with 10 offices, 28 branches and 429 agents. In addition to that, they support social projects to help the financial and health situation of people in need. SIEA also makes its contribution to strengthening culture in Italy.
Social media:
Twitter: @SIAE_Official
Facebook: @SocietaItalianaAutoriEditori
+39 (0)6 5990 2322 / +39 (0)6 5990 3037
Viale della Letteratura 30
00144 Roma