Sociedad general de Autores y Editores
SGAE is the Spanish collective management organisation (CMO) that jointly manages rights for authors of audiovisual, dramatic and music repertoires since more than 100 years. SGAE has played a relevant role in defending, reinforcing and lobbying to support the inwaivable remuneration right for audiovisual authors in Spain and abroad. Whithin SGAE, the Audiovisual Division offers a specialized complete and qualified service for our almost 10.000 audiovisual direct members (directors and screenwriters) and the members of 48 Audiovisual represented CMOs. The purpose of this unit is to optimize the ressources of the entity to face the changes that are taking place in the Audiovisual ecosystem in the digital environment. In that sense, our model has both the advantages provided by a large management company and those of an administrative entity specialized in a single repertoire.
Social media:
Twitter: @sgaeactualidad I @SgaeAudiovisual
Facebook: @SGAEActualidad
Instagram: I @sgaeaudiovisual
+34 91 349 97 73
Fernando VI
4 28004 Madrid